Saturday, February 25, 2012

Well another 14 hours come, and gone... shovled lots of sand tonight probs right around 100 buckets. also We got pretty board and stacked all the emptys up and it was about 20 feet; pretty exciting ok; im asleept.

Friday, February 24, 2012


So yeah; nights lots of work. We're on a 4 well site. That means loads of fracking allnight/ no down time. We did 7 zones. I just need to sleep. Heres a pic; okay; I need to sleep perhaps ill blog it out later

Monday, February 20, 2012


Well things are going better. and my sleep schedule has kinda leveled out...Worked 102 hours last week, so that's kinda good to have behind me. one more week; Im ready to sit around for awhile. Iv also been super hungry lately...Like more then ever. I should try and eat more healthy. There are snacks everywhere, and pretty high caloric sandwhiches... I feel like iv gained 10 lbs in 7 weeks. yuk. Anywho Today I have had the chance to do some laundry and get some online learning mods. done.
Oh it looked like there was a huge snow storm coming this way; but it looks like its swinging south and east of us...
well I hope you all had a good weekend, and that Monday is smooth for you.
Waleye sanggwhhiich; not helping ; well kinda

Saturday, February 18, 2012

skinny love....

Well i should be writting more here; Iv been finding myself not getting my laundary done; on my last pair of socks.. every things dirty. the room is too small and smells aweful; but I sleep interuptedly. I need to head out. nights are rough .

Friday, February 17, 2012


Switched to nights yesterday; prob should have took the advice and had yesterday off. and that would make the tranisition smoother. Rigged down the other day; prob my last day with silver crew. A good bunc of guys; but now it seems that I might get trnsfered to Minot.
 Last night was pretty cold. Got to work in the blender all night. Not that much down time really.
Plug and perf this evning.

Yeah I gotta run do a few things before shift starts at 3:30..
keep on keeping on.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Second week off; the week went by twice as  quick.
Morris was a blast tho...

 Nothing like a long 16 hour day to get your mind back whipped in shape; ultra-quick. We fracked 7 zones today, which is the most I think I have ever done in a 12 hour shift. We kept moving , and the only hold up was water was a little show at filling up the tanks...
I have a headache; my cough seems to be fading, but I am pretty sleepy didn't sleep the best last night. yeah it was a long day. I hope I can find some energy somewhere.. I poured my self a huge cup of coffee at about 4p today and still at 5p-6p found myself full of exhaustion. Got my lunch all packed, chips and salsa, two sandwiches, cookies, chips and an apple. I lied about the apple.
   I think I'm going to shower, listen to some NPR, play some words with friends, and then hit the hay...
-andrew shay

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


So, I guess one of the major benefits of working out in the oilfields in no-mans-land is the week off. When accepting the oil field job offer; I had another job all lined up as a "patient access liaison" which came with 2 days off/week. However the days were Thursday and Friday... and never were you ever going to get overtime. So for me, the actual labor of working outside and the better/longer/more physically demanding schedule tipped the scales. I really miss Minneapolis sometimes. Its one of those; you don't miss it till its gone... There's not too many art museums in Williston which compete with the MIA. But in my first few weeks of ND life has been smooth. If the native North Dakotans have been upset at the oil boom, it hasn't come up or I have not met them. Thanks ND your state is pretty neat.
Hope your week is starting as great as mine is. Enjoy the sun.
Jet we rode...
Jimmy Johns that held up the flight...


Picker-uper (smiley face)

Saturday, February 4, 2012


So yeah; I haven't blogged in a few days here is why ... yesterday was the first day of our new well location. Our engineer wanted to get there ~5am so get things lined up and ready to go at 7am. So we leave the yard at 4; set my alarm for 3:15... I awake at 2:50a to a my new cough, its like the third round and a snoring roommate, and realize that I ouly have 20 min of additional sleep anyways...there's no worse feeling;
this is what 330am looks like in Williston 
 Get to the site, and I ask what to do. "whip up some gel samples, and we'll test water". sounds pretty straight forward, until I figure out we don't have any water, and our blender is super dirty...So cleaning glassware with gojos and bottled water, and plastic bottles with nasty friction reducers is no fun, let me tell you.
so yeah that 16 our day was kinda awful. 

 Today was good; shorter, slept in until 4:20, and purchased an air
 freshener. also my sweet under armor hoodie showed up, plus we started
 driving home in the sunlight and on can see the pretty dynamic landscape that ND has to offer.... 

Note air freshener on left;  now our room smells like a pine forest 

super sheek; light and warm

here is an emo video for you joe because your; the coolest
 and this is your favorite song that you sing all the time
+ it happens to be the title of my post...enojoy, or not, whatever