I Am Here

I Am Here
Williston to Minot ND

Monday, April 2, 2012

office day;

So today; a half day day in the office half day driving to Williston; and back. In the office we were planning on doing some of the pre-job stuff for the next well; so these reports are not sent so we just kinda chatted about fracking; and how stresses and fractures propagate; and how to decide what propents to use; and how to minimize fluid loss...
There was alot of technical graphs and then we got to play with the program which controls all the gauges; and pressures...
anywho; the drive to Williston was pretty chill... had some nachos with chili and cheese to quench the hunger.
filed some paper work chatted with some old training buddy's and hit the road; back to Minot; now its a night of pizza and some basketball 

Halliburtons "muddy river lodge"

happy man 'tweek' moves out

the drive

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking about moving there too. Did you have any experience prior or was it learn on the job kind of setting ? I have cashier and lifeguard experience but nothing oil related.

